Land of Slippers it is! Stores of slippers in every street, next to each others...the competition here must be very tight!
Here you'll find various slippers at various prices, ranging from 50php to 350php or 500php depending on designs and materials used.
This are some of the cute designs that I found ('coz I love pink!). The slippers that I'm holding are 350php each pair and I think you can haggle it down to 320php or 300php, depending on how good you are ;)

We had our lunch at Arabella's Restaurant. If you take a jeepney to Liliw, just tell the driver to drop you off at Arabella Restaurant and they know where it is. Arabella is really famous here in Liliw!
The place is small but very cozy, good thing is that we went there on weekday so there is not much guest that time.
This is Jed checking out the menu...the price are all reasonable and ranges from 150php ~ 250php
They will serve you water with lemon, very refreshing and good coz with lemon it adds antioxidant...
(but Jed doesn't prefer water with lemon coz for him it taste like the dishwashing liquid "Joy, Lemon", Im not sure if its bcoz he tried tasting the dishwashing liquid before hahahah peace out Jed ^__^)
Jed's order, Chicken Parmigiana at 200php, with pasta in tomato sauce and pretzel on the side
My order! Sirloin Steak with buttered veggies and mashed potatoes, 170php
I soo love this...veggies cooked just right and the steak is soo tender and tasty!
They use Frank's red hot sauce and it is so good...
Chocolate Chip Cheesecake with mint, 95php.. sooo yummy!!!
cute decorations on their counter tops
they also sell other pastries for take out...
sweet tooth section! cakes! cakes! cakes!
Jed is a sweet tooth... he bought one each of almost all the flavors of brownies >__<
arabella from the outside..very simple and homey type..
These are "pako"as the locals call it.. they use these for salads...
local berries...
our huge slippers!
our huge slippers!
For details on how to get to Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery and details of our complete itinerary of Laguna Escapade, kindly read our post: The Plan Laguna escapade.